Our Offices

Ikeja, Lagos

Uyo, Akwa Ibom


FAQ's About Company

How do I become a member?

After registration is upgrade allowed?

Within the 60 day, how many times can one upgrade?

After upgrading can I still collect the additional free products?

How to benefit from this company?

Can a none registered member benefit from the buy one get one free of every product?

Can I do any other network business as a registered member of Shineway?

Is this business transferable?

When do we pay our bonus?

Is there any charges or deduction from the bonuses?

Can a resisted member have more than one account with same name and bank Information?

FAQ's About Products

What is Shineway Healthcare all about?

Are shineway products supplement?

How effective are the products?

Can these products be taken alongside other drugs?

Can Shineway product generate cancer or ulcer?


Shineway Healthcare

SHINEWAY is a Pharmaceutical company which began her operations in the year 1970, Producing over 400 different Pharmaceutical Products. Shineway is known for producing Traditional Chinese Medicine, with seven factories across China, has two Headquarters, situated in Hong Kong and Shjiazhuang, Hebei.

© Shineway Healthcare 2024