golden six

Golden six is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been in existence for over 1200 years with powerful health benefits that is scientifically design and formulated to promote our kidney life span and augment your daily intake of nutrient. This product was formulated from 6 powerful active herbal ingredient that has no side effect when taken. Our golden six help replenishes your kidney health, improve our liver health, help increase sex drive, it’s very rich with a powerful ant-oxidants, it a best anti-cancer supplement and has the ability of boosting your body defence mechanism (immune system). it is essential for everyone to take it. Children from 5 years and above are also recommended to take our golden six.

golden six


rhizoma alismatis poria cortex moutana fructus corni rehmannia glutinosa



Replenish kidney


Sexual Wellness


Lower Back Weakness and Soreness


Tiredness, light headedness, declined Vision & Occasional Ringing




8 pills, twice daily (adult) 4 pills, twice daily (children below 12 years)


Shineway Healthcare

SHINEWAY is a Pharmaceutical company which began her operations in the year 1970, Producing over 400 different Pharmaceutical Products. Shineway is known for producing Traditional Chinese Medicine, with seven factories across China, has two Headquarters, situated in Hong Kong and Shjiazhuang, Hebei.

© Shineway Healthcare 2024